Clinical Articles
"Total CroFab and Anavip Antivenom Vial Administration in US Rattlesnake Envenomations: 2019-2021"
Journal of Medical Toxicology
View an analysis of the American College of Medical Toxicology’s (ACMT) Toxicology Investigators Consortium (ToxIC) North American Snakebite Registry (NASBR) comparing antivenoms for crotalid (pit viper) envenomations from 2019 to 2021, which shows treatment with CroFab required fewer total vials and fewer administrations than a competitor.
"The Efficacy of Crotalidae Polyvalent Immune Fab (Ovine) Antivenom Versus Placebo Plus Optional Rescue Therapy on Recovery From Copperhead Snake Envenomation: A Randomized, Double-Blind, Placebo-Controlled, Clinical Trial"
Annals of Emergency Medicine
Clinical trial demonstrating how treatment with FabAV can reduce limb disability.
"Early Administration of Fab Antivenom Resulted in Faster Limb Recovery in Copperhead Snake Envenomation Patients"
Clinical Toxicology
Secondary analysis of a clinical trial demonstrating that patients treated with FabAV earlier had a significantly shorter time to full recovery than those treated late (median time: 17 versus 28 days, P=0.025).
"Antivenom Treatment Is Associated With Fewer Patients Using Opioids After Copperhead Envenomation"
Western Journal of Emergency Medicine
Secondary analysis of a clinical trial demonstrating that the proportion of patients using opioids for pain related to envenomation was smaller in the FabAV treatment group at all follow-up time points, and that the odds ratio of using opioids after hospital discharge among those who received placebo was 5.67 times that of those who received FabAV.
"Acute Adverse Events Associated With the Administration of Crotalidae Polyvalent Immune Fab Antivenom Within the North American Snake Bite Registry"
Clinical Toxicology
A retrospective study of 373 patients finds 2.7% incidence of adverse reactions overall, and a 1% incidence of severe adverse reactions.
"Incidence of Allergic Reactions to Crotalidae Polyvalent Immune Fab"
Clinical Toxicology
Retrospective study of 1340 CroFab patients finds low incidence (1.4%) of acute hypersensitivity reactions.
"Incidence of Immediate Hypersensitivity Reactions and Serum Sickness Following Administration of Crotalidae Polyvalent Immune Fab Antivenom: A Meta-analysis"
Academic Emergency Medicine
Systematic literature review and meta-analysis of immediate hypersensitivity reactions and serum sickness from FabAV.
"Medically Significant Late Bleeding After Treated Crotaline Envenomation: A Systematic Review"
Annals of Emergency Medicine
Study to estimate the proportion of patients with crotaline snake envenomation, treated with Crotalidae polyvalent immune Fab (ovine) antivenom, who develop medically significant late bleeding.
"Affinity-Purified, Mixed Monospecific Crotalid Antivenom Ovine Fab for the Treatment of Crotalid Venom Poisoning"
Annals of Emergency Medicine
First premarketing clinical study of CroFab, TAb001, to test the efficacy and safety of a new antivenom, affinity-purified, mixed monospecific crotalid antivenom ovine Fab in human subjects with minimal or moderate crotalid envenomation.
"A Randomized Multicenter Trial of Crotaline Polyvalent Immune Fab (Ovine) Antivenom for the Treatment of Crotaline Snakebite in the United States"
Archives of Internal Medicine
The second clinical trial of CroFab, TAb002, and the first randomized clinical trial of antivenom in the US showing efficacy and safety of CroFab in crotaline envenomation.
"Expert Consensus Guidelines for Stocking of Antidotes in Hospitals That Provide Emergency Care"
Annals of Emergency Medicine
Review the stocking guidelines established by an international expert consensus panel.
"Unified Treatment Algorithm for the Management of Crotaline Snakebite in the United States: Results of an Evidence-Informed Consensus Workshop"
BMC Emergency Medicine
Nine experts produce and align on a unified algorithm for treatment of crotaline envenomation.
"Surgical Considerations in the Management of Pit Viper Snake Envenomation"
Journal of American College of Surgeons
A 4-member panel of experts provides recommendations based on systematic review of key clinical questions regarding the surgical management of pit viper envenomation.
"Bedside Management Considerations in the Treatment of Pit Viper Envenomation"
Journal of Emergency Nursing
Review article highlighting the possible effects of snakebites as well as their assessment and treatment.
CroFab: Strength and speed when you need it most

CroFab is clinically proven to achieve initial control of envenomation
Appropriate dosing achieves initial and sustained control of envenomation